1) No flaming or abusive posts. Please respect other people's opinions, and realise that they're not always going to be the same as yours. Any post that is abusive will be deleted immediately, and abusive PM's or emails from other members should be reported to a moderator for appropriate action (please include a copy of the message).
2) Before asking questions, please use the search function. You'll find that often your question has already been answered, and it's just a matter of looking.
3) If your post is deleted, moved or locked, you should receive a PM from the mod who did it. If you disagree, reply to that PM with reasons. Chances are we will have good reason for doing what we did, but we'll be happy to listen to what you have to say. Abuse will not be tolerated, so make it civil.
4) Please pay attention to the forum titles. Technical posts should go in tech, etc etc. General Discussion should be used for Mitsubishi-related chat, and not 'OMG I raced a ______ last night and won!!' threads. If in doubt, post in Off Topic or contact a mod.
5) Plz dnt uz txt spk in ur msgs - it is annoying, difficult to understand and we are not charging you by the line.
6) Do NOT use capitals or symbols to make your thread more noticeable. people can see it just fine. If you make a thread title, or a post in all caps or using sms txt spk crp, expect to have a mod edit it or delete it outright for you. You have been warned.
7) If you have a question, concern or problem with the forum, please use the Forum Feedback section. We monitor it daily and it will help us to help you more quickly.
The guidelines are enforced in OT but the content is hardly moderated... if you want to post whore, do it here
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